Jeff Harnar
Awards 2023

Jeff Harnar
Awards 2021

Registration Now Open
Deadline: March 17, 2023

Registration Now Open
Deadline: March 15, 2021

Decorative image of a building
Decorative image of Site Santa Fe
Decorative image of Spaceport America

Jeff Harnar
Awards 2021

Jeff Harnar
Awards 2021

Registration Now Open
Deadline: March 15, 2021

Registration Now Open
Deadline: March 15, 2021

Decorative image of Site Santa Fe
Decorative image of Spaceport America

The JEFF HARNAR AWARDS program was created by Garrett Thornburg in 2007 to honor the memory of Jeff Harnar and help continue his groundbreaking work in the area of contemporary design in the Southwest. In 2018, the award program was expanded to include Unbuilt Work and Landscape Architecture. In 2020, the program was further expanded to include: Contemporary Architecture in the Southwest, Unbuilt Architecture, Unbuilt Landscape Architecture, Student Architecture Award, and Student Landscape Architecture Award.

  • Contemporary Architecture in the Southwest
  • Unbuilt Architecture
  • Unbuilt Landscape Architecture
  • Student Architecture Award
  • Student Landscape Architecture Award

Three of the five JEFF HARNAR AWARDS are open to submissions for work designed for the Four Corners states (AZ, CO, NM, UT). The student awards for 2023 expand on the Four Corners states to include work in the Chihuahuan Desert ecoregion of West Texas, and the Sonoran and Mojave Desert ecoregions of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

For more details on the application requirements, click on the appropriate link below. If you have additional questions, please contact Anthony Fettes at

Recipients of the 2023 Jeff Harnar Awards will be announced by the jury and the University of New Mexico School of Architecture + Planning on Friday, April 14, 2022, at 5:30 PM (winners will be notified one week prior). Best of Show submissions will be selected for a digital exhibition following the awards ceremony. That evening, UNM SA+P will host a lecture, followed by an announcement of the winners.

The JEFF HARNAR AWARDS program was created by Garrett Thornburg in 2007 to honor the memory of Jeff Harnar and help continue his groundbreaking work in the area of contemporary design. In 2018, the award program was expanded to include Unbuilt Work and Landscape Architecture. In 2020, the program was further expanded to include the following six categories:

  • Contemporary Architecture in the Southwest
  • An Emerging Practice in New Mexico
  • Unbuilt Architecture
  • Unbuilt Landscape Architecture
  • Student Architecture Award
  • Student Landscape Architecture Award

Five of the six JEFF HARNAR AWARDS are open to submissions for work designed for the Four Corners states (AZ, CO, NM, UT). The Emerging Practice Award is reserved for firms of architecture and landscape architecture in New Mexico.

For more information, please contact Anthony Fettes at


Jeff Harnar

for Contemporary Architecture in the Southwest

Submissions due: March 17, 2023

Meet the Jury:

Ted Flato
Lake Flato Architects


Aleksandra Jaeschke
UT Austin


Reed Kroloff

This award recognizes recently completed works of architecture in the Four Corners states of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah. Entries should push the definition of exemplary design in the Southwest. One winner will be selected. There are no finalists. Best of Show submissions will be selected for a digital exhibition following the Awards Ceremony, held at the UNM School of Architecture and Planning (George Pearl Hall) on the evening of Friday, April 14th, 2023.

PRIZE: $10,000 (To be used to support diversity, equity, and inclusion in the recipients' practice)

ELIGIBILITY: Open to architects and architecture firms based anywhere in the world. Previous recipients of the award are eligible to enter new works. The submitted building must be located in one of the Four Corners states (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah) and have been completed between January 1, 2017, and December 31, 2022. Entrants must succinctly explain how they will use the $10,000 to encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion within their firm.


If you have additional questions, please contact Anthony Fettes at

Jeff Harnar Award logo

Jeff Harnar Award

for Contemporary Architecture in the Southwest

Submissions due: March 15, 2021

Meet the Jury:

Marion Blackwell
University of Arkansas

Elaine Molinar headshot

Elaine Molinar

Thaisa Way headshot

Thaisa Way
Dumbarton Oaks

This award recognizes the best recently built work of architecture in the Four Corners states, one that broadens the definition of Southwestern architecture. One winning building
will be selected. There are no finalists.

PRIZE: $10,000

ELIGIBILITY: Open to architects and architecture firms based anywhere in the world.

The submitted building must be located in one of the Four Corners states (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah) and have been completed between 1.1.15 and 12,31.20.

Entrants should include in their PowerPoint submission one slide that explains succinctly how they will use the $10,000 to encourage Equity, Diversity and Inclusion withing their firm.


For submission requirements and entry forms, please visit

Jeff Harnar Award logo

Jeff Harnar Award

for an Emerging Practice in New Mexico

Submissions due: March 15, 2021

Meet the Jury:

Marion Blackwell
University of Arkansas

Elaine Molinar headshot

Elaine Molinar

Thaisa Way headshot

Thaisa Way
Dumbarton Oaks

This award recognizes a professional practice in architecture or landscape architecture that has engaged in creative work of note, and shows promise through design innovation and/or community engagement.

PRIZE: $5,000

ELIGIBILITY: New Mexico-based firms that have been established for 10 years or less.

One Emerging Practice will be selected as winner. There are no finalists.


For submission requirements and entry forms, please visit

Jeff Harnar Award logoImage

Jeff Harnar

Unbuilt Architecture

Jeff Harnar

Unbuilt Architecture
Jeff Harnar Award logo

Jeff Harnar

Unbuilt Architecture

Submissions due: March 15, 2021

Submissions due: March 17, 2023

Jeff Harnar Award logoJeff Harnar Award logo

Jeff Harnar

Unbuilt Architecture

Jeff Harnar

Unbuilt Architecture
Jeff Harnar Award logo

Jeff Harnar

Unbuilt Architecture

Submissions due: March 15, 2021

Submissions due: March 15, 2021

Meet the Jury:

Jennifer Siegal

Carlos Jimenez headshot

Carlos Jimenez
Rice University


Gabriel Diaz Montemayor
Univeristy of Arkansas

This award recognizes recent unbuilt & conceptual works of architecture in the Four Corners states of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah. Entries should push the definition of exemplary design in the Southwest. One winning project will be selected. There are no finalists. Best of Show submissions will be selected for a digital exhibition following the Awards Ceremony, held at the UNM School of Architecture and Planning (George Pearl Hall) on the evening of Friday, April 14th, 2023.

PRIZE: $3000

ELIGIBILITY: Open to design firms based anywhere in the world. Previous recipients of the award are eligible to enter new works. The submitted building must be located in one of the Four Corners states (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah) and have been completed between January 1, 2017, and December 31, 2022.


If you have additional questions, please contact Anthony Fettes at

Jeff Harnar Award logo

Jeff Harnar Award

Unbuilt Architecture

Submissions due: March 15, 2021

Meet the Jury:
Andrés Jaque headshot

Andrés Jaque
Columbia University

Carlos Jimenez headshot

Carlos Jimenez
Rice University

Phoebe Lickwar headshot

Phoebe Lickwar
University of Texas at Austin

This award recognizes an unbuilt work of exemplary contemporary architecture in the Four Corners states, and one that broadens the definition of Southwestern architecture.

PRIZE: $2,500

Open to architects and architecture firms based anywhere in the world.

The project must be designed for a site in one of the Four Corners states (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah) and been completed between 1.1.15 and 12.31.20.

One winning project will be selected. There are no finalists.


For submission requirements and entry forms, please visit

Jeff Harnar Award logoJeff Harnar Award logo

Jeff Harnar

Unbuilt Landscape Architecture

Jeff Harnar

Unbuilt Landscape Architecture
Jeff Harnar Award logoJeff Harnar Award logo

Jeff Harnar

Unbuilt Landscape Architecture

Jeff Harnar

Unbuilt Landscape Architecture

Submissions due: March 15, 2021

Submissions due: March 17, 2023

Jeff Harnar Award logoJeff Harnar Award logo

Jeff Harnar

Unbuilt Landscape Architecture

Jeff Harnar

Unbuilt Landscape Architecture
Jeff Harnar Award logoJeff Harnar Award logo

Jeff Harnar

Unbuilt Landscape Architecture

Jeff Harnar

Unbuilt Landscape Architecture

Submissions due: March 15, 2021

Submissions due: March 15, 2021

Meet the Jury:

Jennifer Siegal

Carlos Jimenez headshot

Carlos Jimenez
Rice University


Gabriel Diaz Montemayor
Univeristy of Arkansas

This award recognizes recent unbuilt & conceptual works of landscape architecture in the Four Corners states of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah. Entries should push the definition of exemplary design in the Southwest. One winning project will be selected. There are no finalists. Best of Show submissions will be selected for a digital exhibition following the Awards Ceremony, held at the UNM School of Architecture and Planning (George Pearl Hall) on the evening of Friday, April 14th, 2023.

PRIZE: $3000

ELIGIBILITY: Open to design firms based anywhere in the world. Previous recipients of the award are eligible to enter new works. The submitted building must be located in one of the Four Corners states (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah) and have been completed between January 1, 2017, and December 31, 2022.


If you have additional questions, please contact Anthony Fettes at

Jeff Harnar Award logo

Jeff Harnar Award

Unbuilt Landscape Architecture

Submissions due: March 15, 2021

Meet the Jury:
Andrés Jaque headshot

Andrés Jaque
Columbia University

Carlos Jimenez headshot

Carlos Jimenez
Rice University

Phoebe Lickwar headshot

Phoebe Lickwar
University of Texas at Austin

This award recognizes an unbuilt work of exemplary contemporary landscape architecture in the Four Corners states, and one that broadens the definition of Southwestern landscape architecture.

PRIZE: $2,500

ELIGIBILITY: Open to landscape architects and landscape architecture firms based anywhere in the world.

The project must be designed for a site in one of the Four Corners states (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah) and been completed between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2020

One winning project will be selected. There are no finalists.


For submission requirements and entry forms, please visit

Jeff Harnar Award logoJeff Harnar Award logo

Jeff Harnar
Student Award

in Architecture

Jeff Harnar
Student Award

in Architecture

Submissions due: March 15, 2021

Submissions due: March 17, 2023

Jeff Harnar Award logoJeff Harnar Award logo

Jeff Harnar

in Architecture

Jeff Harnar
Student Award

in Architecture

Submissions due: March 15, 2021

Submissions due: March 15, 2021

Meet the Jury:

Rene Davids
UC Berkeley


Mary Hardin
University of Arizona

Frederick Steiner Headshot

Frederick Steiner
University of Pennsylvania

The student awards recognize design excellence by a current student(s) or recent graduate(s) (2020-2022) enrolled in an accredited program of architecture in the United States. For this award, projects must be located in the Southwestern United States and focus on regionally specific design challenges and solutions. The project locations for the student category may expand the definition of the Southwest beyond the Four Corners states of NM, AZ, CO, and UT, to include arid lands in adjacent states. This may include projects in the Chihuahuan Desert ecoregion of West Texas and the Sonoran and Mojave Desert ecoregions of CA and NV).

Students may submit team entries. One student shall serve as the point of contact and submit one entry on behalf of the team. You will be asked to select your field (Architecture/Landscape Architecture) in the application. Best of Show submissions will be selected for an exhibition at George Pearl Hall at the Awards Ceremony on April 14th, 2023.

PRIZE: First Place $2,000, Second Place $1,000

ELIGIBILITY: Open to recent graduates (2020-2022) and students currently enrolled at a school in an accredited program of architecture and landscape architecture in the United States. All graduate students are eligible. Undergraduates must be in the last two years of their respective programs. For full entry requirements, please see the Preview Full Application link below.

ENTRY FEE: $20 per entry

If you have additional questions, please contact Anthony Fettes at

Jeff Harnar Award logo

Jeff Harnar
Student Award

in Architecture

Submissions due: March 15, 2021

Meet the Jury:
Deborah Burke Headshot

Deborah Burke
Yale University

Rene Davids

Rene Davids
UC Berkeley

Frederick Steiner Headshot

Frederick Steiner
University of Pennsylvania

This award recognizes excellence in contemporary design by a current student of landscape architecture engaged in the study of regional architecture.

PRIZE: $1,500

One winning project will be selected, and one finalist will be recognized with an Honorable Mention.

Currently matriculated at a school in one of the Four Corners states (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah). The student must be in their last two years of study.


For submission requirements and entry forms, please visit

Jeff Harnar Award logoJeff Harnar Award logo

Jeff Harnar
Student Award

in Landscape Architecture

Jeff Harnar
Student Award

in Landscape Architecture

Submissions due: March 15, 2021

Submissions due: March 17, 2023

Jeff Harnar Award logoJeff Harnar Award logo

Jeff Harnar
Student Award

in Landscape Architecture

Jeff Harnar
Student Award

in Landscape Architecture

Submissions due: March 15, 2021

Submissions due: March 15, 2021

Meet the Jury:

Rene Davids
UC Berkeley


Mary Hardin
University of Arizona

Frederick Steiner Headshot

Frederick Steiner
University of Pennsylvania

The student awards recognize design excellence by a current student(s) or recent graduate(s) (2020-2022) enrolled in an accredited program of landscape architecture in the United States. For this award, projects must be located in the Southwestern United States and focus on regionally specific design challenges and solutions. The project locations for the student category may expand the definition of the Southwest beyond the Four Corners states of NM, AZ, CO, and UT, to include arid lands in adjacent states. This may include projects in the Chihuahuan Desert ecoregion of West Texas and the Sonoran and Mojave Desert ecoregions of CA and NV).

Students may submit team entries. One student shall serve as the point of contact and submit one entry on behalf of the team. You will be asked to select your field (Architecture/Landscape Architecture) in the application. Best of Show submissions will be selected for an exhibition at George Pearl Hall at the Awards Ceremony on April 14th, 2023.

PRIZE: First Place $2,000, Second Place $1,000

ELIGIBILITY: Open to recent graduates (2020-2022) and students currently enrolled at a school in an accredited program of architecture and landscape architecture in the United States. All graduate students are eligible. Undergraduates must be in the last two years of their respective programs. For full entry requirements, please see the Preview Full Application link below.

ENTRY FEE: $20 per entry

If you have additional questions, please contact Anthony Fettes at

Jeff Harnar Award logo

Jeff Harnar
Student Award

in Landscape Architecture

Submissions due: March 15, 2021

Meet the Jury:
Deborah Burke Headshot

Deborah Burke
Yale University

Rene Davids

Rene Davids
UC Berkeley

Frederick Steiner Headshot

Frederick Steiner
University of Pennsylvania

This award recognizes excellence in contemporary design by a current student of architecture engaged in the study of regional architecture.

PRIZE: $1,500

One winning project will be selected, and one finalist will be recognized with an Honorable Mention.

Currently matriculated at a school in one of the Four Corners states (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah). The student must be in their last two years of study.


For submission requirements and entry forms, please visit